Loving others as God loves Us
Love God by drawing closer to God in all things. Living out our discipleship in Christ by sharing God's love which transforms communities.
In Christian Faith, the Circuit Envisions to:
accessible worship experiences, that are relevant to the communities each local
church serves;
together with local churches, and help to demonstrate the Good News within
their local communities;
people to engage in sharing the Gospel and making more disciples for Christ;
with and learn from evangelical partners in true "Catholic Spirit".
local churches to work to transform communities, challenge injustices, and be eco-friendly Christian communities;
the practice of the seven Streams of Mission and Ministry
as our priority:
This Methodist year we have seven Circuit Stewards, whose responsibilities have been divided into 'Streams'.
Stream 1 – Children, Youth & Family.
Stream 2 – Discipleship through Learning & Caring.
Stream 3 – Evangelism and Church Planting.
Stream 4 – Justice Compassion and Peace.
Stream 5- Staffing & Staff Well-being.
Stream 6- Financing & Resourcing.
Stream 7 – Worship and Spirituality.
Coventry and Nuneaton Methodist Circuit
Bedworth Methodist Church
Mill Street
CV12 8JZ