A lectionary is a cycle of biblical readings that runs through the Church Year, beginning at the start of Advent.
The Methodist Church in Britain uses the Revised Common Lectionary, which was developed in the 1980s and is now used throughout the world by many Christian denominations.
Each year of the lectionary cycles begins on the First Sunday of Advent.
Year A begins on the first Sunday of Advent in 2016, 2019, 2022 etc.
Year B begins on the first Sunday of Advent in 2017, 2020, 2023 etc.
Year C begins on the first Sunday of Advent in 2018, 2021, 2024 etc.
Principal Services for Year A (beginning Advent 2022) ( PDF). This runs through to the Sunday before Advent in 2023.
Principal Services for Year B (beginning Advent 2023) (PDF).
Linked hymns available from Singing The Faith Plus
Circuit no. 5/10
Registered Charity no. 1134347
Coventry and Nuneaton Methodist Circuit
Bedworth Methodist Church
Mill Street
CV12 8JZ