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Methodist  Circuit
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Justice, Compassion and Peace

Donations for Coventry Refugee Centre – You might be aware of the much advertised plight of the refugees. Helen Bishop reached out to the refugee centre in Coventry to ask how we might be of assistance. They have advised us that they are in desperate need of basic toiletries. We are kindly asking for donations in the form of things like toothbrushes and paste, shower gel, soap, shampoo, men's shaving foam and disposable razors, deodorants, baby stuff, including nappies of all sizes, and baby wipes. We would appreciate it if people could bring donations to their home church. Helen and l, Perpetua, will be happy to come and collect when there are items ready. Once the donations have been collected from around the circuit we will arrange delivery to the refugee centre as a combined donation from the circuit. If church members would like to get more involved as a volunteer, the contact number for the Coventry Refugee Centre is 024 7622 7254.

Please contact Perpetua or Helen if you need any further information on either of these two items. Perpetua Sakuringwa 07943 531975 or Helen Bishop 07850 160 558

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Coventry and Nuneaton Methodist Circuit
Bedworth Methodist Church
Mill Street
CV12 8JZ

Circuit Map

Circuit no. 5/10 – Registered Charity no. 1134347