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Coventry & Nuneaton
Methodist  Circuit

Balsall Common Methodist Church

228 Station Road, Balsall Common, Coventry, CV7 7EE

Rev'd Jane Braund
01676 533737


Dec 27th, 10:30 am – Rev'd Jane Braund

Jan 3rd, 10:30 am – Ms Alison Gee

Jan 10th, 10:30 am – Rev'd Jane Braund (Covenant)

Jan 17th, 10:30 am – Rev'd Stephen Willey

Jan 17th, 6:00 pm – Rev'd Jane Braund (Bless the Lord Service)

The Sunday Morning Service is from 10.30 am to 11.30 am, with Holy Communion forming part of the service once a month.
There is a time of fellowship together at the end of the service over a cup of tea or coffee.


Monday morning Drop-in – 10am till 12 noon. All welcome. Tea, coffee, toast & toasted tea cakes.

On the second Monday in every month the Women's Institute Committee meet from 6.45pm-7.30pm and the members join them at 7.30pm-9pm. They have a full and varied programme with time set aside for a chat accompanied by cake and tea/coffee.

Ridge Lane Youth Club – Every Tuesday evening, term time only, from 6.00 pm – 7.30 pm the young people from 6-13 years of age from this village, and the neighbouring hamlet of Birchley Heath, meet to participate in games, crafts and competitions as Ridge Lane Youth Club. Children wishing to join the club only need to turn up on any Tuesday evening.

We have recently started a Knit and Natter group on a Wednesday morning from 10.00 -11.00am. The knitted goods are donated for the homeless. We have lots of wool, knitting needles and patterns for everyone to choose from. Donations would be appreciated.

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Get In Touch

Coventry and Nuneaton Methodist Circuit
Bedworth Methodist Church
Mill Street
CV12 8JZ

Circuit Map

Circuit no. 5/10 – Registered Charity no. 1134347